Monday, December 7, 2015

Coping with Christmas Cheer

As the holiday season sets in, it is hard to be feeling down and in the dumps. Everywhere you go you see the words joy, cheer, happiness, and holiday plastered on every wall. However, if you are feeling down lately, which could be possible due to seasonal depression and/or just being a stressed out college student, you can take advantage of the liveliness all around. The holidays are a time where friends and family members can show their love and care for each other. There is no better support than to feel loved. I know a lot of my friends are excited to go home and see their families and friends.

However, sometimes you can feel very lonely as you’re surrounded by these people. Don’t let yourself become upset due to being bored or lonely. Take the intuitive and ask others to spend time together with you. If you are worried about what to do, especially if you’re on a tight budget, check out my friend’s awesome blog here for some delicious treats to make.

The holidays are an exciting time for everyone. Enjoy your holiday, relax, and be sure to take time for yourself. Don’t become upset or lonely. Think of things to be grateful for. (If you need help with that too, read Emily’s blog.)

Keep Calm & Cope On!