Thursday, November 19, 2015

Reaching Out!

It can be very hard for someone to reach out for help when they feel low. Some have a large ego and take their pride very seriously and don’t want others to know they have emotions. These people usually don’t realize it but it causes a lot of unneeded pain and stress to their lives. It isn’t good to keep your emotions bottled up because then it is only a matter of time until they blow up, and who knows what would happen then. The best option these people can do to save themselves is to reach out.

Sometimes, reaching out to a friend can solve the issue. It is important to let your emotions out. Confine in a close friend and tell them how you are feeling. Even if it doesn’t seem like a big problem, it will still help you out. I know a problem I sometimes have when I reach out to a friend is I think I am bothering them with my problems. I imagine they have busy lives and have their own troubles they need to worry about so I shouldn’t annoy them with mine. I’ve recently learned that if they are a true friend of yours, they will be there for you no matter. They will be a person you can console in and they won’t feel like you are annoying them. Read one of my previous blog posts for more thoughts on reaching out to friends.

Also, there are people out there in the world who work for a living to help others feel good about them. This is where it is hard for people to reach out. Some people have a mindset in their head that if you need to see a counselor or a therapist then you’re crazy, too depressed, or are losing it. It shocks me that people would feel this way because if you need help, then you need help. I am not ashamed to say that I started going to therapy for depression when I was in 8th grade. I was just 14 years old and I was attending a therapy session every week for one hour. When I was going through a really hard time I had to start going twice a week. If I never started going to therapy, I would not be the person I am today, or as strong as I am today. After sometime, certain circumstances made it so I couldn’t go to therapy any more. It was a hard transition, but I did okay. Coming to college I thought I would be fine. That wasn’t necessarily true so I went to the counseling center here at Eastern. I’m so thankful I made that decision. Everyone is so welcoming and kind. I love my counselor.

From a Christian stand point, there is always God. He is always here for us no matter what. He will never leave or forsake you. His love is stronger than anything else, and His powers will always overcome any obstacle you’re facing. 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

If you need other support, do not be afraid to reach out. You will feel better and feel more in control of your life, I promise.

Keep Calm & Cope On!

Monday, November 16, 2015

I'm so overwhelmed!!!

Everyone keeps saying how they hate “this time of year” or “well it is that time of the semester.” I am a freshman in college and this is my first semester, so it’s hard for me to really understand what everyone means when they say “this time of the semester.”

However, I think I finally know.

Right now, I have so many papers due within a three day time span. I know finals are right around the corner. To top it off, I am a mess of emotions right now too. Everything is so overwhelming. It feels like lately it is go, go, go, and don’t stop or else you’ll get behind. Everyone is asking so much of me, but how I am suppose to give my all to one person or subject, and still have enough energy and time to give to everyone and everything else.


It will be okay. I know it will. I know that is so cliché to say, but it’s true. One thing I have learned to do is manage my time better. I’m still not the best at it. It is a working progress. However, what I have done so far has helped me to be in control more. I did this at the beginning of the semester and then lost it. I know managing my time is a great way to not feel so overwhelmed. I’ve learned college isn’t like high school where you can just skip a day of school and not have to worry about turning in a paper. In college, even if you don’t go to class, you still have to submit that paper. Crazy, right? That is why it’s so important to stay on top of your work.

Lately, I have been super emotional. I’ve been dealing with many other people who are constantly asking me for advice and telling me about the problems they are having. Within the past two weeks, I’ve been so caught up in trying to help everyone else; I haven’t paid attention to my emotions enough. Now, they seem to be hitting me all at once. You must take time for yourself. Your health is important. It is most important actually, and it’s okay to love yourself. 

Keep Calm & Cope On!